About Us

Whited Painting & Remodeling has been in business since 2011, and was built over time with word-of-mouth customer referrals. We are a family owned business founded by husband and wife, Gilberto and Kristen Whited. Gilberto came from Chiapas, Mexico and his wife Kristen is from Huron, Ohio. Both grew up in a rural, small town upbringing where people do what they say, and say what they mean. The type of place where folks know each other, where they pride themselves in having good, moral values and take pride in a job well done. We serve the greater Houston area, our local community. Whited Painting & Remodeling strives to provide personalized, dependable, and high-quality residential and commercial remodeling services to EVERY CUSTOMER, EVERY TIME at a FAIR PRICE. We hope you will check us out on Facebook to see what some of our customers have to say about their experience working with us. We look forward to working with you on your next remodeling project.